Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wimmie's Musings

YEA!!!     It is a little warmer today.  Would you believe a lot warmer?    It was 25 last night and already 59 today.   That almost sounds like we could go out and play in shirt sleeves!   Well if we were young enough to play.  Maybe we could at least watch the younger ones play.
Anyway, I'm just glad it is warmer and hope that was our winter.  We don't usually have more than that, but seems like this year may be really different as it has surely started out different.  Sometimes we can eat Christmas dinner out side on the picnic table, but would have frozen to death if we had tried that this year.   Maybe there will be lots of warmer ones before we have another one like this.  Most years we don't really get cold until middle of Jan or 1st of Feb.  It beat itself this time.
PhotobucketGreat to have this nice sunshiney day anyway.  Thank you LORD!

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